~Fairy Friends Tutorial 5~
How to match neck and heads with bodies and place hair properly! Tutorial written by Deana

~Below are the tubes you need for this lesson, please click on file to download. (Bodies are larger then preview.)~

Take your tiki doll and the long blonde head as in pic below!
Make a white layer 450x400 and add the Tiki Body to a new raster layer
then add the doll head to a new raster layer duplicate head layer, then arrange in this order:
copy of head
raster 1
as seen in pic below:

Then lower opacity on head layer to about 60% erase the hair only on the right that is covering body it should look like image below:

Then merge body and head layers, do not merge white
raster layer. Then add a drop shadow to body of -4, -4, 30, 5
and save as a psp file to send to me! Name it FFUDeanaLesson5-1.psp
Please put your name where my name is!

Now take body in the red gown and the head that matches image below:
place layers as below, you can see in back of body where I placed the head.

Now duplicate the head layer and move it to the top layer, then start erasing the hair you don't want on the body, as I did in pic below:
(*Note: I only erased up to the neck on front of body, now neck and
head, and hair look good!)
Merge body and head layers and add a drop shadow and save as a psp file Name it FFUDeanaLesson5-2.psp! Please put your name where my name is!

Please click the next button for continuation of tutorial.
