FFU Tutorial 4

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~Fairy Friends Tut~
Tutorial by Deana Owens ©DeeDesigns9 ~ 2006.
Do Not Give This Link Out To Anyone!
Cloning hair, colorizing bodies, and a few other goodies!

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~Below are the tubes you need for this lesson,
please click on file to download.
The first tube is for the tut.
The second tube is the last part of the tut.~


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This is a 4 part lesson: Using the Clone Tool First. Good luck and hope everyone does well. If you need any help along the way, just ask us. Please take your time, you have all week! The tubes for this lesson are attached, however, they are purchased tubes by me. You may not share these tubes anywhere. However, I will allow you to share the bodies you make from them. Let's get started. This is what your original tube looks like.

First thing is save the psp tubes to your files and open the one that says Lesson4Mermaid.psp and then please remove the head as taught in first lesson and remove any hair that is surrounding the body. Now below you will see what it looks like after removal of head and hair.

However, you can see that she has hair on her body, we don't want that to show up in our doll body, so this is where the cloning tool comes in. Below is an image of the part of the body with hair on it. You can see the small circle, this is where my cloning will start.

Please click the next button for continuation of tutorial.

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