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To request a personalized signature
Place your request in one of my folders on Delphi Forums listed on the following page.
Thank you!

I would like to thank you for stopping by and hope you enjoy requesting from me!



Thank you!

Here you will find my adopts for the forums I work at. They are my own creations. When you have chosen which adopt you would like, please go to one of the Delphi Forums I work at and put in my folder named "Jewel". Please state in your posting which adopt you want, what head choice and what name you would like on it. Only one request at a time no matter which forum you request from. Once I have completed your request and you have picked up your tag, you may request a second tag for the week.
My Limit is 1 per person per week no matter where you request from.
Please check back often, as I will be adding new adopts and retiring old ones.
Enjoy your visit.

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